Collection: Salt & Pepper Mills

Naša kolekcija mlinova za sol i papar dostupna je u mnoštvu živih boja laka. Uz 8 različitih dizajna, možete miješati stilove u svojoj kuhinji. Naš kultni dizajn započeo je s Bobbinom, koji se sada proširio na Twistere, Columne, Pillars, Grandes, Chubbies i Minije. Svaki je lijepo upakiran i savršen je dar.

Bobbin Salt & Pepper Mills

Naši legendarni originalni lakirani mlinovi s 3 bobine prikladni su za sol ili papar. Svaki mlin dolazi lijepo zamotan za poklon, savršen za darivanje.

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Chubbie Salt & Pepper Grinders

Ova kolekcija je opisana kao slatka, debeljuškasta i prijateljska! Izuzetno volimo naše lakirane Chubbie mlince za sol i papar, dostupne u svih 16 naših legendarnih boja.

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Mlinovi za sol i papar sa stupovima i stupovima

Elegantni i elegantni naši mlinovi za sol i papar na stupovima i stupovima izrađeni ručno poliranim lakom.

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Twisters Salt and Pepper Grinders

Naši Twister mlinci za sol i papar sada su dostupni u 13 prekrasnih boja.

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Grande Salt and Pepper Mill

Kupite spektakularni mlin za sol i papar Grande u 12 prekrasnih boja ručno poliranog laka.

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Mini Bobs & Columns Salt & Pepper Mills

Obitelj soli i papra sada je potpuna. Kupite Mini Bobs i Columns koji dolaze u 10 legendarnih boja ručno poliranog laka.

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How do I make a return?

We offer a no quibble 90 day returns policy. Please send your items back to us with a refund request at: Addison Ross, Wooler Industrial Estate, Berwick Rd, Wooler, Northumberland, NE71 6AH, UK Please make sure to request a proof of delivery service from your chosen method of postage/courier.

What if my item is faulty or damaged?

Please email us with an image of your product and description of the issue to and we will be happy to help. Please allow up to 24 hours for a response.

Is my product guaranteed?

We are so confident in our products that we offer a lifetime guarantee. Please email us if you have any issues.

The product I want is out of stock, when will it come back?

We strive to keep everything in stock all the time however sometimes our products are simply too popular! Please click the Email Me When Available button on the product page to be notified as soon as this product is back in stock. Depending on the product this could take between a week and 3 months, if you need to know, please email us and we will find out for you.