Collection: Bobbin Mills

Mini Bobs & Columns Salt & Pepper Mills

Tá an teaghlach salainn agus piobar críochnaithe anois. Déan siopadóireacht ar na Mini Bobaí agus na Colúin a thagann i 10 ndath íocónacha de laicir lámhsnasta.

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Bobbin Salt & Pepper Mills

Tá ár muilte laicearaithe 3 bobbin bunaidh íocónacha oiriúnach do shalann nó do phiobar. Tagann gach muileann fillte go hálainn le bronntanais, foirfe do bhronntanais.

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Grande Salt and Pepper Mill

Déan siopadóireacht ar an Muileann Salann agus Piobar iontach iontach i 12 dhath áille de laicir lámhsnasta.

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How do I make a return?

We offer a no quibble 90 day returns policy. Please send your items back to us with a refund request at: Addison Ross, Wooler Industrial Estate, Berwick Rd, Wooler, Northumberland, NE71 6AH, UK Please make sure to request a proof of delivery service from your chosen method of postage/courier.

What if my item is faulty or damaged?

Please email us with an image of your product and description of the issue to and we will be happy to help. Please allow up to 24 hours for a response.

Is my product guaranteed?

We are so confident in our products that we offer a lifetime guarantee. Please email us if you have any issues.

The product I want is out of stock, when will it come back?

We strive to keep everything in stock all the time however sometimes our products are simply too popular! Please click the Email Me When Available button on the product page to be notified as soon as this product is back in stock. Depending on the product this could take between a week and 3 months, if you need to know, please email us and we will find out for you.